Culture Works needs your help! We have been selected as one of 10 nonprofit finalists in the Dayton area eligible to win a $20,000 office technology makeover from ModernOffice Methods as part of their JumpSTART Your Nonprofit contest. And we really need it! But first we can only do this if you vote for us—and vote often. This prize will go to the organization that receives the most votes between now and July 31, and YOU CAN VOTE DAILY! Not only will Culture Works benefit from updated equipment, so will the arts organizations in the community that Culture Works shares its equipment with, like Muse Machine, Dayton Contemporary Dance Company, Bach Society, Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus, Musica!, and others. And believe us when we tell you that our current copy machines are truly outdated. Help Culture Works to help the arts by voting every day until July 31st at And tell your friends!

Our loyal and aging primary copy machine deserves a death with dignity. Without the ability to collate, staple, or even send faxes, it’s time to pull the plug. Vote daily at to help Culture Works get a $20,000 technology makeover.

The desktop copier, circa 2000, used to print checks at Culture Works, makes a burning smell when turned on. Mindful of public safety, as well as financial accountability, we keep a fire extinguisher at hand when working with accounts payable. Vote daily at to help Culture Works get a $20,000 technology makeover.
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